SAT SUBJECT tests are an opportunity for students who want to show their competency or extra equipment about the department to which they will apply, so that students can distinguish themselves from their competitors and prove their competency.
SAT SUBJECT tests are 20 separate exams and are gathered under the headings of English, History, Language, Mathematics and Science. All exams are applied as 1-hour multiple choice and the scoring is between 200-800 and unlike the SAT Reasoning exam, wrong answers take away the right answers in Sat Subject exams.
SAT SUBJECT tests are administered on the same date as the SAT exam, and collegeboard explains which SAT subject tests will be applied on the exam dates.
Students should decide at the time of application whether they will take the SAT or SAT Subject exams on the application date, because it is not possible to take the SAT and SAT subject tests together in one day.
Students can take up to three SAT Subject exams on an exam date and can make changes during the exam in the SAT subject exam they want to take, but this has some restrictions.

The SAT SUBJECT MATH level 1 exam covers the subjects learned in the first three years of high school.
The SAT SUBJECT MATH level 2 exam covers all topics at Level 1, plus trigonometry and precalculus.
Taking the SAT SUBJECT MATH level 1 and Level 2 exams will help you show your interest and skills in mathematics and will set you apart from your competitors in the schools you will apply to.
Some Universities may specify certain SAT subject exams as a requirement, but even if this is not the case, students may choose to take these exams to get ahead of their competitors.
The SAT REASONING exam and the SAT SUBJECT MATH LEVEL exam are two completely different exams. However, misunderstandings arise due to the fact that some institutions call the SAT REASONING exam as sat 1. It is free to use graphing calculators in the SAT SUBJECT MATH level1 and SAT SUBJECT MATH level2 exams. Topics of SAT SUBJECT MATH level1 and SAT SUBJECT MATH level2: